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Seeq is founded on the premise that many process manufacturing organizations are DRIP “Data Rich, ...



Seeq is founded on the premise that many process manufacturing organizations are DRIP “Data Rich, Information Poor” (DRIP) and the number will increase with new sensor deployments and higher data creation rates driven by the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). As a result, the existing need for solutions for process manufacturing companies to derive insight from their data will only become more widespread and important in the future. Seeq’s vision is to address this requirement by closing the gap between advancements in data and computer science - big data and machine learning as examples – and the software available to engineers and plant employees, delivering innovation as features in easy to use, advanced analytics applications. In addition the Seeq vision includes the needs of whole organizations including collaboration, publishing, and IT requirements that span teams, plants, and divisions.


Enviroment, Air and Climate


United States

Company Type

Software vendor