Next Instruments Pty Ltd
Next Instruments Pty Ltd is a business set up under a unique business model. Next Instruments has br...
Next Instruments Pty Ltd is a business set up under a unique business model. Next Instruments has brought together a range of innovative analytical and process instruments suitable for use in the Food, Agricutlure and Nutrition markets. Next Instruments has procured and licensed a number of instruments developed in Australia and is marketing them through its worldwide network of dealers and distributors. These instruments have been developed by the CSIRO, various universities, and local companies. These products offer innovative solutions to the analysis of food, grains, dairy products, meat products, beverages, feeds and meals. Next Instruments now has a range of 20 products with excellent software packages, sampling accessories and data processing tools, that have achieved a significant level of sales both domestically and internationally. In 2010/11 year, exports were running at approximately 60 of total revenues.
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