Komet Medical
The company Gebr. Brasseler and its brand Komet were founded as early as 1923. To this day, the comp...
The company Gebr. Brasseler and its brand Komet were founded as early as 1923. To this day, the company has been owned by the founding family. With a shop floor of over than 480,000 sqft and more than 860 production units, Komet counts among the largest manufacturers in this sector worldwide. Another factor that decisively contributes to the success of the enterprise is its highly qualified, dedicated staff who know their markets and constantly strengthen the company and its products. Gebr. Brasseler has been developing and manufacturing motor-powered precision instruments for use in surgical drive systems since 1988. The comprehensive range includes surgical saw blades, rasps, burs, cutters, craniotomies and twist drills as well as diamond abrasives.
Laboratory Equipment
Company Type